Sunday, September 12, 2010


We are living in the most polluted and toxic times in the history of the world

What is meant by toxins and body detoxification?

Toxins are defined as harmful chemicals or substances that occur in nature and/or are manufactured. Whether a toxin actually causes harm in a particular situation is based on a multiplicity of factors such as: potency (acute toxicity being the strongest), rate of exposure, dose, and individual sensitivity. Toxins can cause a variety of harms, ranging from cancer (carcinogen) to upset stomachs to learning and developmental disorders.
The various sources of toxins that afflict the human body may be classified into three different categories that are distinct from one another, yet may affect the same individual concurrently.

Category 1 - Exogenous Toxins:

Exogenous toxins are primarily attributed to the products of the petrochemical and industrial ages. The toxins are entering the system from the outside, such as food additives, x-ray, ELF waves, chemicals, industrial pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, etc. The toxins may also come from an excess of stimulants such as tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, medicines, injury, accidents, over-exercise, and etcetera. Industry has brought with it an array of toxic heavy metals such as aluminum, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, bismuth, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, platinum, silver, thallium, thorium, tin, and uranium.

So, by man's ingenuity (the industrial age), we have been increasing the load of toxins in our bodies daily.


 Category 2 - Endogenous Toxins:

The endogenous toxins are found within the human body: microbial viruses and toxins associated with tuberculosis, syphilis or other diseases due to microbes; the inability to throw off dead cells correctly in the catabolic phase; excess hormone secretions due to stress that are not correctly processed; and emotional activity that renders one out of control with the inability to quiet the system.

Category 3 - Autogenous Toxins:

Autogenous toxins are generated within the body from heredity weakness such as miasmatic influences (miasm - a genetic tendency towards) such as psora, sycosis, and etcetera. Depending on the person's constitution and temperament, the autogenous toxins affect the body's organs primarily by inhibiting a good immune response and lowering its resistance.


Why should I care about body detoxification:??

Body detoxification is the cornerstone of both healing and the prevention of disease. Body detoxification covers the sum total of therapeutic means available to ensure the elimination of toxins that deplete the organs of the human body through natural channels and with natural substances. The Herbal Foot Patches are manufactured with all natural substances and has been certified safe by the FDA.

The general term drainage in body detoxification is the draining or flowing away from, and is vital in the process of body / organ detoxification. As one is detoxifying the cells and the tissues of their body, if the organs to be detoxified are not draining properly, there can be much discomfort known as a healing crisis. This healing crisis effect is totally avoided by using this  Foot Patches in that the toxins are eliminated through the acupuncture points of the feet and bypass the organs.


The need for a quality body detox product

The body has plenty to do in just detoxifying itself from the waste products of its own metabolism processes. Our bodies are designed to detoxify very well indeed if given enough pure water and fiber. The body devotes its largest organs to the job of detoxification, the skin, the kidneys, the liver and the colon. However, the cultural norm is to drink very little (if any) pure water and to eat little fiber. In the place of pure water (distilled water), we drink tap water, bottled mineral water, milk, soda pop, coffee, alcohol, and so on. In the place of fiber we feed ourselves way to much meat, fish, fowl, fast food, breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn chips, adnauseam.


The herbal Foot Patches are extremely easy to use:

Body Detox 
Step 1

Body Detox 
Step 2

Body Detox 
Step 3

Body Detox 
Step 4

1) Remove the larger piece from the adhesive sheet and discard. Wash with soap and water or wipe with rubbing alcohol and dry the area completely before applying, if attaching the Takara Detox Foot Patch to other parts of the body it is also helpful to secure with medical tape to keep the foot patches / foot pads attached firmly to the skin.

2) Place the Takara Detox Foot Patch onto its center; making sure that the writing on the foot patch / foot pad is facing down toward the adhesive surface.

3) The Takara Detox Foot Patches are best placed on the soles of one's feet as it is the place with more than 60 acupuncture points out of over 360 points distributed over the human body. Placing socks over the foot patches / foot pads helps to maintain contact with the foot and recommended if walking around during application.

4) The Takara Detox Foot Patches should remain in direct contact with the body no less than 8 and up to 12 hours. If after 8 hours they are still partially dry, try to leave them on longer so as to not waste the revolutionary Takara Detox Foot Patch ingredients.

Increases your energy level by removing your built up toxins!


What is in the Herbal Foot Patches?


    The herbal Foot Patches consist of all natural ingredients incorporated into the sap sheet referred to as Hwalgicheon by the Korean manufacture. The FDA and the California Department of Health Services have certified the sap sheet Hwalgicheon, exclusive to the Herbal Foot Patches, as safe. Hwalgicheon is composed of bamboo and broad leaf tree sap vinegars, wood vinegar, Eucalyptus, Tourmaline, Houttuynia Cordata, Saururus Chinesis, Chitosan, Agaricus mushrooms and ionic substances.

Can I put the Herbal Foot Patches on other parts of my body?

acupuncture points map of the body

    The herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patch should not be placed over open wounds, mucous membranes, or over the eye area.

    The herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patch can also be very effectively placed over other areas of the body where you are experiencing pain, discomfort or swelling. Some areas suggested by the Korean manufacturer include the shoulders, the front of the neck, the lower back, the knees, wrists and elbows and the back of the ankles.
    When using on any area where the skin is naturally moist, oily, curvy or mobile, it will help to use some medical tape to better ensure good contact of the herbal Patches with the skin.


How many of the herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patches should I use?

    To ensure even detoxification, it is best to put the herbal Foot Patches on the sole of each foot; also using only one herbal Foot Patch at a time slows down the process of removing toxins from the system. The average person can take up to one month or more of daily use to remove the majority of toxins from their bodies, older people or people who are ill could take longer.

    The ideal situation would be to continue using the herbal Foot Patches until they remain clean after 12 hours of continuous use. Then a maintenance plan of one box per month period may be sufficient to counteract the daily onslaught of toxins most of us face. This can be determined by the color of the herbal Foot Patches after 8 - 12 hours of direct contact with the soles of your feet.


How many herbal Foot Patches will I need?

    That is a very good question with no definitive answer! Everybody is different and has been exposed to different levels of toxins. Your age, your home and work environments, the existing condition of your immune system are all determining factors in the level of toxic buildup. Judging from my own experiences and the feedback I have received from my patrons the best answer I can offer is anywhere from 3 weeks to 5 1/2 months.


Will the Foot Patches cause any side effects that can happen with other body detoxification products?

    The detox side-effects experienced when taking detoxification products or when on special diets for the purpose of body detoxification are a result of the extra strain the released toxins put on the eliminatory organs such as the kidneys, liver, digestive system, lungs and skin (referred to as a healing crisis). The herbal  Foot Patches helps to relieve those side effects by removing the toxins from the system entirely, and therefore reducing the pressure on those eliminative organs.


Are there any restrictions as to who can use the Herbal Foot Patches?

    Pregnant women can use the herbal Foot Patches after they are 6 months pregnant or further along. They should not use the Body Detox Foot Patches in the first six months of pregnancy. The patches are also safe to use on infants that may be particularly helpful in the case of children whom are born of mothers with drug or alcohol abuse problems. People allergic to shell fish (the Chitosan ingredient) should use with caution. The herbal Foot Patches should not be placed over open wounds, mucous membranes, or over the eye area.

"save money...get healthy..."

Why apply it to the soles of the feet?

According to Chinese medical knowledge, our human body has over 360 acupuncture points, with more than 60 acupuncture points found on the sole of the foot alone. Our feet, also known as the "second heart", are the reflective zones of our internal organs, a potential home for toxins and a potent avenue to accelerate body detoxification through, avoiding the healing crisis effect of other rapid detoxification methods.

As the blood circulates to the soles of our feet the powerful ingredients of the herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patches unleash and accelerate the release of toxins through those acupuncture points. herbal's exclusive formula Hwalgicheon comes in a sachet, or patch that is attached to the skin via an adhesive sheet. After only one night of body detoxification, there may be significant changes (depending on your state of wellness or homeostasis) to the smell and color of herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patches.

Depending on what the foot patches are absorbing they will range in color from black or dark brown to different shades of green and gray with possible spots of red and will feel a bit slushy (evidence of the toxins and excess moisture being released) after 8 to 12 hours of use.

Typical example of the color change to expect after overnight use of the Herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patches >>>   

The Herbal Detox Foot Patch also helps to revitalize the body, enhance blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, improve your quality of sleep and promote better health (homeostasis) and longevity. By placing the Body Detox Foot Patches on the soles of your feet before bedtime they unleash the accumulated gunk and toxins from your body during sleep. The Herbal helps to increase your energy levels by getting rid of the toxins that build up over time in the body.

    With over 30 nights of continuous usage, there may be a visible reduction in the color and odor of the Body Detox Foot Patches after use. The herbal Foot Patches helps the body to achieve its optimum state of wellness (homeostasis), by supporting improved blood circulation, increased metabolism, activate red blood cells, enhanced quality of sleep, and the absorption of expelled or unwanted bodily fluids and toxins.

BEFOREBlood Cell Before Body Detoxification Blood
 Cell After Body DetoxificationAFTER

The Herbal Foot Patches also helps you to achieve your optimum state of wellness (homeostasis) by cleansing and detoxifying the red blood cells...


detoxification foot patches
Discover this amazing scientific breakthrough in body detoxification after 26 years of research!

- Helps Relieve The Burden On Your Immune System
- Detoxify Your Body While You Sleep
- Visual Confirmation Of Waste Matter Removal
- Sleep Deeper And Wake Refreshed
- Alleviates Minor Pains
- Supports Blood Circulation & Cleansing
- Reduces Swelling (removes excess moisture)
- Energizing - Feel Lighter and More Alive
- 100% All Natural Formula - Takara's Own Hwalgicheon Sap Sheet
- The Sap Sheet Hwalgicheon is FDA Certified Safe

Scientific breakthrough in body detoxification

The herbal Foot Patch is a breakthrough scientific product discovered after 26 years of painstaking laboratory research in the field of body detoxification. It all started with the "rediscovery" of the forests. People have sought to uncover secrets to their wellness needs with plant and tree sourced organics for millennia.

Two Japanese doctors have spent their lives searching for the secrets behind longevity and homeostasis (enhanced state of wellness) as sought by the sages of the ancient orient, a search that led them to unlock the mystical powers and energy of trees. They hypothesized that if trees could grow for ages without any aid, humans too should be able to increase their state of wellness and longevity if they could discover, harness and unleash the secrets behind the growth of trees.

The growth process of trees is a boundless source of knowledge and unexplained powers. Even under the worst weather conditions trees grow and flourish for thousands of years on their own. If these secrets were to be discovered and applied to the human condition, the key to longevity and homeostasis may finally be revealed.

After 26 years of research and development a breakthrough was discovered, wood vinegar essence found in various trees has the ability to absorb toxins through the acupuncture points located on the soles of the human foot. These secrets have been revealed and developed into an exciting new scientific approach to body detoxification for all mankind, the amazing herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patches.
The herbal Body Detox Foot Patch began to gain recognition when it was first introduced; consumers all over the globe have given it an overwhelming positive response...