Sunday, September 12, 2010


What is in the Herbal Foot Patches?


    The herbal Foot Patches consist of all natural ingredients incorporated into the sap sheet referred to as Hwalgicheon by the Korean manufacture. The FDA and the California Department of Health Services have certified the sap sheet Hwalgicheon, exclusive to the Herbal Foot Patches, as safe. Hwalgicheon is composed of bamboo and broad leaf tree sap vinegars, wood vinegar, Eucalyptus, Tourmaline, Houttuynia Cordata, Saururus Chinesis, Chitosan, Agaricus mushrooms and ionic substances.

Can I put the Herbal Foot Patches on other parts of my body?

acupuncture points map of the body

    The herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patch should not be placed over open wounds, mucous membranes, or over the eye area.

    The herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patch can also be very effectively placed over other areas of the body where you are experiencing pain, discomfort or swelling. Some areas suggested by the Korean manufacturer include the shoulders, the front of the neck, the lower back, the knees, wrists and elbows and the back of the ankles.
    When using on any area where the skin is naturally moist, oily, curvy or mobile, it will help to use some medical tape to better ensure good contact of the herbal Patches with the skin.


How many of the herbal Body Detoxification Foot Patches should I use?

    To ensure even detoxification, it is best to put the herbal Foot Patches on the sole of each foot; also using only one herbal Foot Patch at a time slows down the process of removing toxins from the system. The average person can take up to one month or more of daily use to remove the majority of toxins from their bodies, older people or people who are ill could take longer.

    The ideal situation would be to continue using the herbal Foot Patches until they remain clean after 12 hours of continuous use. Then a maintenance plan of one box per month period may be sufficient to counteract the daily onslaught of toxins most of us face. This can be determined by the color of the herbal Foot Patches after 8 - 12 hours of direct contact with the soles of your feet.


How many herbal Foot Patches will I need?

    That is a very good question with no definitive answer! Everybody is different and has been exposed to different levels of toxins. Your age, your home and work environments, the existing condition of your immune system are all determining factors in the level of toxic buildup. Judging from my own experiences and the feedback I have received from my patrons the best answer I can offer is anywhere from 3 weeks to 5 1/2 months.


Will the Foot Patches cause any side effects that can happen with other body detoxification products?

    The detox side-effects experienced when taking detoxification products or when on special diets for the purpose of body detoxification are a result of the extra strain the released toxins put on the eliminatory organs such as the kidneys, liver, digestive system, lungs and skin (referred to as a healing crisis). The herbal  Foot Patches helps to relieve those side effects by removing the toxins from the system entirely, and therefore reducing the pressure on those eliminative organs.


Are there any restrictions as to who can use the Herbal Foot Patches?

    Pregnant women can use the herbal Foot Patches after they are 6 months pregnant or further along. They should not use the Body Detox Foot Patches in the first six months of pregnancy. The patches are also safe to use on infants that may be particularly helpful in the case of children whom are born of mothers with drug or alcohol abuse problems. People allergic to shell fish (the Chitosan ingredient) should use with caution. The herbal Foot Patches should not be placed over open wounds, mucous membranes, or over the eye area.

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